Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine Goodies for the Kids

We have some new neighbor boys that have been a tremendous help to my husband and I this fall and winter season. These two young boys, and two of their friends, have come to our home to help with the raking of piles of leaves and the moving of many shovels-full of snow. What a blessing they have been to us and our aching backs!

Since I didn't get my holiday baking done in December, and the ingredients were still on the pantry shelves waiting to be turned into cookies and candy, I decided to make up this tray of our favorites as a "thank you" gift to the boys and their family. The recipes that I have used are for the Sugar Cookies posted on 2/12/2010, Peanut Pralines posted on 2/20/2013, Double Chocolate Fudge posted on 2/14/2013, Porcupine Cookies posted on 2/8/2014 and Chocolate Cherry Cookies posted on 2/22/2013. Giving a gift of candy and cookies is such a wonderful way of saying, "thank you", "I love you", or "Happy Valentines Day". Happy Valentine's Day to you! Blessings...

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