Friday, September 26, 2014

The Family Dinner Hour: A "Recipe" for Building Strong Relationships

The family dinner hour is that precious time when we stop the frantic pace of life and focus on our loved ones. During this time, ignore the phone, television, the knocks at the door, and the stuff of the world, and listen closely as your loved ones share about the events of their day. Connect. Pay close attention. In so doing, we pay value to those who are the most valuable to us.

Life can get really frantic, and the level of stress in a family can soar out of control very quickly. Children are the most vulnerable to the stress levels in the lives of their parents. The family mealtime can be a time of quieting down and re-connecting. This time of connecting and relationship building is vital to the well-being and health of the family.

Prepare a simple meal, focus on your loved ones, and strengthen your family. Blessings...

1 comment:

  1. A hearty AMEN to these very wise words. In fact, in my opinion, the family dinner hour may be the single most important hour of the day in the life of a family.

    Sadly, society now deems it normal to have everyone running in all different directions during those dinnertime hours, eating in the car while enroute. That kind of lifestyle is fracturing families and destroying our physical health.

