Wednesday, January 1, 2014


"Essential to hospitality is the open heart which results in an open home... be it a small room, a modest apartment, or a mansion- in which we can practice hospitality." Karen Mains

I love this quote, and I have had the privilege of practicing hospitality in all locations but the mansion. There was a time in our lives when we lived in a small rental, and because of unemployment most of our furniture was sold and we were eating our meals on a card table. When we had guests in for a meal another utility table was added to accommodate the numbers, but we always had guests, no matter what the circumstances. The meal might have been very frugal, but the fellowship was always wonderful and uplifting.

Sadly, hospitality is becoming a lost art. But I do believe the most important hospitality we will ever extend will be to our family at the end of a long day. This time is so important to the well-being of the family, especially to children. This is a precious time for each member of the family to share about the events of the day and draw close to one another after long hours of separation. The gift of love and laughter and the sharing of feelings as we talk about the day satisfies the soul like a bowl of warm soup on a cold winter night. May you and your family have many wonderful meals together in this new year. Blessings...

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