Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Baking with my Granddaughter on Vacation

While we were visiting our family two weeks ago my husband and I spent three days with our two youngest grandchildren while our son and daughter-in-love went away for a time of renewal. We had a wonderful time building our relationships with these two precious little ones. We don't get to spend nearly enough time enjoying them because of the distance between our homes, so this was a blessing.

My daughter-in-love shared with me that my granddaughter had asked about making cookies with me while we were there for our visit and, of course, I was thrilled for the opportunity, so we made Butterfinger Cookies. The recipe was posted on 9/25/2012, if you would like to check it out.

After I agreed to bake these cookies, I remembered that I did not have my recipe with me. This was an "oh, dear" moment for me; now what was I going to tell this four year-old child who was looking forward to baking cookies? I need to explain that I have never seen my daughter-in-love use a recipe card or cookbook, only her hand-held device via the internet. I've never used anything but a recipe card or a cookbook, so coming to my blog on our laptop for this recipe was a first for me. I post online, I don't cook using anything but the old-fashioned way that involves a piece of paper with writing on it. I came into a new age, and we got the cookies baked!

I've had this conversation about having a computer of some kind sitting on the kitchen counter with my niece and my daughter-in-love. A computer is cold, electronic and a machine; a cookbook is friendly and warm with lots of notes and worn pages. Some of my recipe cards go back to my childhood with childish writing and memories. I will never lose my love of cookbooks and time-worn recipe cards, but I do now acknowledge that I sure was glad for the computer when I needed it for my special time with my grandchild. Blessings.

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