Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kitchen Memories

As I was looking for a particular measuring spoon the other day, I was reminded of all the different people I have had in the kitchen helping over the years. Some of my fondest memories will always be those that involve my nieces and granddaughters. My one niece, the daughter of my brother, and I, have only baked together one time. My first born niece, the daughter of my only sister, and I, spent hours in the kitchen together as she was growing up. My granddaughters and I just began this past summer; the twins while they were here visiting, and our littlest two-year old while we were visiting them in May. Our littlest one likes to push the buttons on the microwave to get it started or get something out of the cabinets, at her level, if needed. She loves to help and it was an absolute joy to have some time with her building our relationship.

The most important part of the time spent working together in the kitchen is creating the relationship, not the recipe. The connections with these precious little girls while we stirred, chopped, measured and talked with one another is what matters in the long run. Memories are built, bonds are created, and often conversations are started that will have lasting meaning in every life involved. The niece that is the daughter of my sister, is now 36 years old with six children of her own. She lives across the country from me so we don't see one another often, but we talk on the phone regularly. Since my sister is now dead, the relationship that my niece and I have is of great importance to both of us.

We never know how we might impact another life just by being available. Time spent working on a recipe together can create lasting memories and build a lasting relationship. The investment of our time into other lives is never wasted, and may be of far greater significance then we could ever imagine.

1 comment:

  1. " The most important part of the time spent in the kitchen is creating the relationship, not the recipe." Very true. Thanks for the memories.
